Trolli - Beardspread Social
CW: Matt Cermak
AD: Justin Davis
Can you imagine anything comfier than James Harden’s beard? Neither could we. Ironically, just thinking about it kept us up at night.
So we did the only thing we could do — we built that sucker.
The Beardspread features a beardy comforter, 2-sided open-closed pillows for eyes, and of course, a sturdy foreheadboard.
Trolli couldn’t get enough of their brand ambassador in bedding form, so we created a children’s book, digital videos, and gave them away on Trolli’s social media channels. The beardspread beckoned, and we obeyed.
Goodnight, Harden’s Beard, I will Spoon.
CW: Matt Cermak
AD: Justin Davis
Harden’s Beardspread takes you away to a magical dreamworld where anything is possible. From loony moons, to croony runes, a young child experiences all the wonders.
Even James Harden couldn’t resist the comfort and support of his own face during our Instagram Beardspread giveaway.
Beardspread Giveaway Post
– James Harden, when seeing the beardspread for the first time (true story).

Lemme take you behind the sheets with some of these early production pics.