Here are some things you should know about me.

My name is Matthew Cermak.

Hi. I’m a multi-faceted creative (director) and copywriter based in chilly Minneapolis, MN. Currently, I work for 2024 Ad-Age Small Agency of the Year, the ironically named, Colossus


My extended family includes two attack-pugs. Rampage and Mayhem.

I’m the adoptive father of a cat named Little Rambo, who was rescued from the woods of Wisconsin after attempting to mate with a female bobcat.

I’m mixed-handed (also known as cross-dominant). Sometimes I use left, sometimes I use right. Sometimes I do both. 

I boast a near encyclopedic knowledge of video games.

I am a rabid Minnesota Vikings fan. I wish I knew how to quit you, Vikings. 

My favorite ice-cream flavor is cookies and cream.

I watch this Youtube video when I get sad.

My first crush was modern-day LGBTQ+ icon Xena Warrior Princess. 

WHAT’S THE DEAL WITH — my favorite television show of all-time is Seinfeld.

Folllow me and see cool stuff I make on Instagram

Holla atcha boy via Email: